In the room Dominic now looked swamped on the large bed and there seemed to be drips and wires and monitors everywhere from him. He looked so small on the big expanse of white linen. I know I like a baby in white, but not like this. Nick had stayed with them throughout. The staff now appeared calmer and they explained to us that they were treating him for meningococcal septicaemia and meningitis but we would have to wait for results of the tests. They had taken fluid from his spine and several blood samples. No matter what the outcome they explained that it would be a minimum stay of seven days due to the necessary intravenous antibiotics he needed. They also told us that Nick and I would need to take a precautionary drug to prevent us developing his condition and they warned that it could induce flu like symptoms in us. Along with the tablets came an A4 sheet describing the possible side effects. We were told I could stay and that as a breast-feeding mother I would be given my meals free of charge. Dominic would stay in an isolation room on the ward and although we could have visitors they discouraged me from going into other rooms there.
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